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herzliches Willkommen image

 What you need to join us:

Do you own a Swiss registered vehicle (we can also provide you with one if you don't have one)
you have a driving license with the indication B121,
be a Swiss citizen or have a work permit valid in Switzerland.


A wage solution that ensures transparency and flexibility.
Your benefits:
Receive monthly payslips!
we will pay you compensation of CHF 0.40 for all active kilometers that you have covered If you use your own car.

Receive a daily accident and sickness benefit.
You are properly registered with AHV, pension fund and unemployment insurance and pay the contributions on time. In this way, you will be protected in the event of a risk.
Focus on the transport activity.We take care of the administrative tasks.

Referral program with up to 150 CHF for every friend who joins us!

Please fill out the contact form and we will be happy to get in touch with you.

See the Questions and Answers section for more information.

In addition, all employees will receive:
gas station cards
Assistance with the application
Free delivery of blanks when returning the old ones

You can apply by sending us a message with your  Email. Be sure to possess  either Swiss ID or foreigner AUFENTHALTSTITEL 
B 121 code in your driver's license. 
After we have evaluated the yearly turnover of the referred driver you can earn up to 150 CHF.
   All social contributions are absolutely the same.
But when employed at the GmbH the difference is that the employee and the employer must contribute equal parts to the Occupational pension of the employee.
This provision, which is also mandatory in Switzerland, forms the 2nd pillar and covers the old-age pension as well as the risks of death and disability.
Which is very good for you, because you are getting much more secure then the self-employed, at no cost because you have to understand -
   in the end ,these assets that are collected in to your pension fund  are YOURS and only YOURS and you can always withdraw them if you decide to leave Switzerland.


                                 PAYOUT REQUEST FORM (PDF)  
If you are definitely becoming a non-resident of Switzerland and moving to another country , you may receive your pension fund assets as a lump sum.
When you move abroad, however, you may only receive your capital after you formally deregister from your place of residence.
THE % Depends of your age. See the table below !
 (table 1)

But you pay only for the sum above 25 095CHF , because with pillar 1
you have already payed it. see the table below.

So, if you receive a brutto yearly salary of CHF 28,680 then you pay the percent responding to your age (see table 1) but ONLY for the sum above 25,095 CHF. Because the coordination deduction is subtracted from this salary. This leads to the ACTUAL insured salary in the pension fund.
So, in the example, the insured salary is CHF 3,585 (gross salary less coordination deduction).
  ONLY The insured salary is the basis for collecting the contributions.
Or if this someone is 45 years old means
3,585 CHF x 15% = 537CHF divided in  12 months   =          ONLY    45 CHF Monthly 
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal, accounting, or tax advice, or a substitute for obtaining such advice specific to your business. Please refer to an experienced lawyer in your jurisdiction for particular information on how to write legally binding terms and conditions.

Of Course depends on how he works but around CHF 9,000 per year plus the pillar 1 pension also around CHF 9,000

or a lump-sum of around CHF 130,000 for pillar 2 and ADDITIONAL CHF 9000 from pillar 1 , EVERY YEAR.

The table below shows only pillar 2  actual retirement benefits for a 45 yaers old driver that gets CHF 5,200 monthly brutto.
Driver income includes:
  • the hourly payment of the time spent between the acceptance of the race and the end of the race with passenger,  increased for night or Sunday activities
  • tips paid by customers
  • an allowance for the use of a private vehicle – fixed price per km of approach and race
  • the turnover generated by the driver from which are subtracted social charges, VAT, the rental of the Uber platform and the administration costs.
  • Additional trips
To be in full compliance with the law, the charges  are as follows:
  1. Retirement capital for drivers (deferred income)

    • AVS old-age 
    • BVG contribution (2nd pillar )
  2. Other mandatory deductions:
    • Unemployment insurance
    • Professional and non-professional accident insurance
    • Loss of earnings insurance in the event of illness
    • Disability Insurance 
    • etc.
  • Nansenstrasse 3, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland